
🚿 Shower Hour Tips for Tweens

and those who don't enjoy shower time

April 17, 2021

Getting a 10-year-old girl to shower without forcing her like she is a toddler. ANY TIPS? @AmyMcCreadyPPS

  • Kids soften resistance when they feel heard. Start w/ "consent" so it's not "parent telling child what to do." Try: "I think I've been X abt showers bc I'm seeing things my way. Can you help me understand your POV?" Listen. Then "Can I share mine?" Then "Can we maybe compromise?" @cdetler
  • On her level, explain the importance of showering.  Mention how nice it feels.  Explain how mom and dad and even grandma and grandpa shower.   Set a time for her to shower when it is not rushed or a crunch time in the schedule. @tamara_hammer
  • Can you find common ground and reach a compromise? Does she believe she should NEVER shower, or is the disagreement just about frequency? Start from a place of shared understanding and work outward from there. Empower her as a decision-maker as much as you can. @EmilyPopek
  • Have agreed upon scheduled days for taking showers. We settled on a compromise of 2 showers/ week - one weekend day & one weekday. @gmazul
  • Maybe a trip to Bath and Body Works so she can pick out products that smell really nice? I think I would have loved that mom/daughter time, and my idea of what smelled nice would have been pretty different at 10. And maybe a handheld wand? She might not like water in her face. @karenkawrites
  • Maybe a waterproof speaker/radio so she can listen to her fav music in the bathroom? @choiceweb0pen0
  • Give her choices to reduce power struggle- before or after dinner? Or simply what is your plan for showering? @WestchstrNYMoms