
A Family’s Guide to Adventure en Espanol!

November 6, 2023

In our South Florida Community, it is easy to hear a variety of languages being spoken all around us on any given day and in any given place. 

Language is an important tool to communicate who we are, what we want, & how we feel. 

It’s also a great tool to get to know one another. 

We can use it to explore the culture, art, music, cuisine, and traditions from our friends from all around the world. We can open up a whole range of global opportunities for ourselves in our future career pursuits. 

Learning multiple languages, especially from a young age, can improve cognitive development and even lead to better performance in other subjects. 

But most importantly, learning a language allows us to connect with the people that speak it. Be it our grandmother, a neighbor, or the friends we meet on our family vacations. 

Learning a second or even third language opens up a whole world of connection and opportunities! 

From Tourist to Traveler is a special series brought to us by our friends at LOVE to give us a taste of the fun we can have traveling around the world as explorers and not just tourists. 

Their unique language approach allows us to increase our confidence and capability in speaking a second language effectively. You can join their 5 week online course with your family and friends. It’s a great way to spend quality time together while learning a useful skill. 

Learning a new language as a family can be a fun shared experience. You can support and encourage each other along the way and laugh at the inside jokes that will inevitably emerge! 

The first language we’ll be exploring is Spanish. 

Where do you imagine we’ll travel first? 

Tune in next week to find out!
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