

sign up today

January 20, 2025

🎁 You're invited to a secret card exchange! RSVP soon as names will be drawn in this card-giving game!  

Organizer: Lori Arbel 

Budget: $0 

Date: February 1, 2025 Draw Names: January 31, 2025 

🥳 Join the party ➡️ here 

❓ What's a secret card exchange? It's where participants are randomly assigned to one another to send a Valentine's day card anonymously. The receiver won't know who it is until the day of the reveal. It's the easiest and most fun way to gift!

I'm excited to help you share the LOVE AND APPRECIATION with a Valentine CARD EXCHANGE Please sign up by January 30th (Thursday.) On February 1 you will be assigned your secret person to send a Valentine Card to. HOMEMADE CARDS are welcomes and encouraged, this isn't meant to be a costly endeavor, it's meant to spread some friendship and happiness. Please try to mail your cards by 2/7. Things to keep in mind: ❤️ Note this is a gift exchange platform but we are just exchanging cards! This platform was familiar to many and it allows names to be automatically drawn and addresses exchanges easily. ❤️ You do NOT need a Wish List, Elfster will continue to nudge you to set one up but this is just a CARD EXCHANGE. ❤️ If, for any reason, you find that you are unable to send your card, please alert me at

By participating in this fun event you will be added to the Macaroni Kid Fort Lauderdale and Miami Macaroni Kid Miami East e-newsletter. (please unsubscribe if not appropriate when you receive your first email)